ホーム » 体重とフィットネス » 食事規則はあなたが体重を減らすのに役立ちます


Minimize sugar and starch

Reducing the intake of sugars and carbohydrates is one of the best ways to lose weight. These foods stimulate the body to secrete insulin. It is the main hormone responsible for storing fat in the body. When these foods are reduced, the secretion of insulin decreases. Of carbohydrates, and kidneys will eliminate sodium and excess water in the body, which reduces swelling and excess weight from unnecessary water, where up to 4.5 kg can be lost during the first week when followed this method.

Lifting weights

Be careful to exercise for weight loss, where you can lift weights three times a week, prefer to go to the gym from three to four times a week, and to warm up, weight lifting, and exercise stretching, and can take advice from the trainer, where he works weightlifting To burn a little calories, prevent slow metabolism, this has a side effect of weight loss, studies show that low-carbohydrate diets, work to lose large amounts of body fat, build some muscle.

Organization of meals

Meals and meals should be organized, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, making sure that you are adhering to the permitted calories. You can go shopping, buy your weekly shopping list, and be careful not to skip breakfast; Eat more snacks during the day because of hunger.

Things to consider to reduce weight

There are some things to be careful about following for weight loss, including:

  • Drinking water: Be careful to drink water; because some people confuse thirst and hunger, which makes them consume excess calories.
  • Using small dishes: Small dishes help you eat less, and gradually get used to eating less in hunger.
  • Eat slowly: Because the stomach takes about 20 minutes to send to the brain feeling full, so it is better to eat slowly, and stop eating before fully satisfied.
  • Non-deprivation in diet: Where you can add favorite health sweets, such as: red cherries, grapes, fruits, eating breakfast cereals, vegetables, sauces.