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Drinking water

Water helps to lose weight, so drinking half a liter of water increases calories by 24-30% per hour. Drinking water before meals reduces calorie intake, so it is necessary to replace other beverages with water to reduce sugar. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people.

Eat fruits and vegetables

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Foods that help to lose weight, because they contain large amounts of water, nutrients and fiber, and are low in energy density, do not lead to the acquisition of large amounts of calories. Studies have shown that people who eat Many fruits and vegetables are lighter than others.

Use small dishes

Some studies have shown that small dishes help to eat less than usual, and reduce the amount of food intake, where people fill their dishes regardless of size, and end up to eat more food.

Avoid sugary drinks

Drinks containing sugar, such as juice, soda, sweetened coffee and tea, can cause at least 800 additional calories to be added to the body, along with an increased sense of hunger, so it is advisable to take healthy fluids rich in vegetables and protein that help you feel full.

Playing sports

Exercising for 30-60 minutes at least three times a week helps increase calorie burning, muscle building, and the best exercise options. Fitness training Pilates, strength exercises, dancing, swimming, gymnastics and aerobics. A session in the gym, asking for help from the trainer, and working on hobbies that require a physical effort to accelerate weight loss, such as: bike riding, hiking, jogging, fast walking, and skating.