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Facial fat

Many women suffer from the problem of facial fat due to a number of reasons, including: frequent intake of fatty foods, or the closure of the pores of the skin due to frequent use of cosmetics and neglect clean well, or lack of drinking water, or contact the face continuously, which causes feeling And self-distrust, so try to get rid of this problem by applying many natural recipes, which we will introduce you to each other in this article.

How to get rid of facial fat

The recipe for bananas and honey

Then add it to the face, leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it with warm water, and it is recommended to repeat this recipe 3 times each week.

Egg and lemon albumin recipe

Mix egg whites with enough lemon juice to get a homogeneous mixture, then apply to the skin, leave it for 10 minutes to dry completely, then wash it with enough rose water, then moisturize with moisturizing cream.

Strawberry recipe and yogurt

Mash the strawberry bean, mix it with two teaspoons of yogurt to get a homogeneous mixture, then put it on the face, leave it for about a third of an hour to dry completely, then wash it with warm water.

Starch recipe

Fry the face with enough olive oil. Mix two teaspoons of starch with enough water to get a soft paste, then put it on the face, leave it for a third of an hour, wash it with lukewarm water, and dry the face thoroughly.

Lemon recipe and rose water

Mix half a lemon juice with a small amount of rose water to get a homogeneous mixture, then drown the cotton in it, rub it out, massage gently, wait for 10 minutes, then drown the cotton again in the mix, wipe the face out, massage lightly, then wait 10 more minutes, repeating the same steps, and advised to repeat this recipe three times a week.

Tips to get rid of facial fat

  • Drink enough water every day, equivalent to at least eight cups, because it helps the body get rid of the cells responsible for fat secretion.
  • Stay away from eating high-fat foods, such as fast food, canned foods and ready-made foods.
  • Reduce intake of soft drinks, desserts, and sugars.
  • Stay away from eating salty foods, as they lead to the retention of fluids in the body, leading to increased body fat especially in the face.
  • Commitment to breakfast every day, because it gives a sense of satiety, which reduces the amount of fatty foods eaten at lunch.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Sleep for adequate hours every night, knowing that the disturbance of sleep hours adversely affect the work of the endocrine responsible for storing fat in the body.
  • Commitment to exercise every day.
  • Take care of foods rich in calcium, because it reduces the retention of fluids in the body, and thus reduce the appearance of facial fat.
  • Eat enough fruit and leafy vegetables.
  • Pay attention to the cleanliness of the face, wash it regularly, and clean the cosmetics well.