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Weight gain is one of the most harmful changes to humans. The chances of getting many serious diseases are increasing in conjunction with weight gain. The risk and conditions of diseases with excess weight and its effects are one of the causes or main cause of varicose veins, joint inflammation, pain Back to heart and blood problems and injury to certain types of cancers. In addition, excess weight causes problems in daily life and is not suitable for the practical reality and work that one should do and be in good health.

The basic and ideal solutions for weight loss are the commitment to stay away from some foods that everyone is accustomed to eating without supervision or care, and to increase some of the nutrients necessary for the health of the body, and to identify the appropriate means to burn fat in the body to lose weight naturally without Disruption of public health of the body.

For example, all doctors are advised to drink plenty of water, because it helps to absorb the body for food and also to get rid of excess water in the body and burn fat and promote blood circulation, where you must drink at least two liters of water a day, and prefer Increase the amount of water in the morning and reduce it in the evening. You should also eat plenty of vegetables and be a salad meal is essential before every meal. Examples of foods and foods that should be avoided are salt, sugar, spices, ketchup and jam. As these foods are prohibited for those who lose weight, as well as serious damage to public health and the body.

As for the ideal diet to be followed for weight loss, it is best to consult a dietitian, since the diet of each individual is different because of the differences between individuals in weight, height, and the proportion of sugar in the body, cholesterol and the incidence of some diseases. The nutritionist selects the best food regimen by studying these ingredients.

It is also advisable to consult a fitness specialist, so as to carry out physical exercises useful to the body and to restore fitness and public health quickly and ensure continuity.