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Food diets are a hotbed of myths and tricks of magic solutions. In the past ten years, they have become a global obsession, but a global problem, causing more harm than good. I do not say the harm of food diets as a whole, but the harm of dropping the word “diet” on many harmful practices. Diet or diet is a lifestyle, not a week or a month, and includes all different foods, not limited to power, for example, a diet / life integrated.

When you decide you need to lose some weight, before you start dieting yourself, ask yourself, “What is my diet goal?” Because you answer the question, you will choose the diet. If your goal is just to lose weight as soon as possible for a particular party or occasion, the diet will most likely be a severe “starvation” for a short time, and the result will be weight loss as desired but at the expense of health, and regain lost weight again and perhaps even more!

Beware of the promises of diets to lose weight, because they promise to lose weight only, and they achieve what promised, but at what cost ?! If you lose weight the wrong way, you will get symptoms of malnutrition, and most likely you will regain the weight lost after the end of the period of the specific diet. This is because the body in the starvation period changes the speed of its metabolic processes and increase its capacity to store fat, a natural reaction in cases of famine, as you teach your body and training the diet to store fat and not lose easily to endure the long period of hunger. This causes the difficulty of losing weight for people who follow frequent starvation diets.

Do not measure the effectiveness of the diet in the near term but in the long term, that is what you need. You should decide on a goal that is not only about weight loss but also for better health, vitality and higher energy throughout the day. It also keeps the weight lost and also reduces the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other diseases.

If the diet is effective and correct, you should not starve yourself and do not deprive it, but all moderately; reduce the amount and do not sacrifice the quality, and all the sweets if you like but reduce the quantity you eat, for example 3-4 times a week and eat half of the amount you used, the diet should make you Happy and keep you happy to continue it throughout your life, the goal of the diet is to be a healthy lifestyle, then find the appropriate method that does not make you tired after a month or two, and go back to the old lifestyle as if the diet was not. You feel deprived of a particular type of food, for example, from the agencies that will make you eat them greedily after finishing the diet, so do not completely investigate, get used to it, and eat it in moderate amounts, and continue with a diet or diet long and comfortable. This is the first golden rule in the diet of “moderation”.

The second rule, which is equally important, is “organization”. Eat 5 or 6 servings a day, preferably two or three meals, but be aware of the same amount of moderate daily food – as in the first rule – distributed over 6 meals instead of Three, the “same” moderate amount is divided into 6 small instead of 3 large meals, increasing the number of meals means reducing the quantity in each meal. The organization helps you not to feel hungry during the day and thus avoid learning your body to store fat more effectively, as well as avoid slow metabolic processes, note that slow metabolic processes mean that you burn fewer calories during the day.

We reach the third rule of “diversity”. Make sure your daily diet depends on starches exclusively. Starches such as bread, rice and potatoes. Prepare yourself to eat fruits and vegetables daily, learn new recipes that incorporate fruits and vegetables into your system, learn new types of salads to eat every day. , Do not relish the authorities !!
But eat bread, chicken, rice, tawal from your favorite dessert, and tawal also the salad, so ensure that you are eating a balanced health food, by following diversity, organization and moderation.

Slowly lose your weight and keep this loss, and gain your health, is better for you than those magic fairy solutions promoted by some for rapid loss of weight, they – and if you manage to lose weight – is not better health in the long term. Change your lifestyle for the best, change your eating habits and practices, adopt an active and dynamic lifestyle and do not exercise seriously in a sports club. I return to the question “What is my goal of diet?” Do not make your goal to lose weight, but make it health, happiness and complacency. And to reach the right goal, which is hoped to be a good one, to quickly reach a deceptive goal.