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The thinness is a bothersome thing for both men and women. It often causes people embarrassment from their general appearance because of their extreme thinness. Most women want a slim and elegant body with a fairly full body. Extreme slimness is a disease that affects the human body. The thing with its opposite is obesity, a person who has a slim body that always seeks and wants to get more kilo extra grams, while a person who has accumulated fat in his body, always wants to get rid of some extra kilograms in his body, are factors that lead to extreme thinness Several things Nha, lack of nutrition or lack of the person, Omradhomchakl different suffers, and increase the speed of normal rates of metabolism in the body.

Causes of thinness

  • Family history.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • the disease.
  • Some types of medications.
  • Sensitivity of some types of food.
  • Causes and psychological problems, including: anxiety, fear and tension.

Ways to gain weight

  • Eat high-calorie foods: You should eat high calories in different foods and more than the usual calories burned by the body a day.
  • Exercise Bodybuilding: The goal of bodybuilding is to increase the muscle mass in the body of the person, because the increase in fat in the body works to enter the person with several health problems and may be dangerous, by increasing weights and carrying, and exercise iron, in addition to increase Quantity of food.
  • Eat supplements: There are many types of supplements that work and help to increase the weight of the person, including Tromas, Syrias Mas, Russian bear protein, aloe-protein, so that these supplements contain large amounts of protein and creatine, in addition to the calories needed by the body.
  • Eat protein in large quantities: by eating meat, fish, eggs, and nuts of all kinds, as the protein is very important in the construction of all cells of the body and muscles.
  • Eat six meals a day: Because too much eating and eating, increases appetite in the slim person.
  • Eat faster: so be careful to chew food well so as not to get indigestion.
  • Adding spices to food: Because foods with a unique smell and taste taste make the person more accepting to eat, and works to increase appetite.