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It is estimated that between 80-90% of women after puberty are infected with cellulite and at varying degrees, and in a very small percentage may be negligible to men, we can define Cellulite: The condition in which fat and water are collected between the stratified tissues of the skin at random, resulting from inflation in the fat cells, and the lack of access to the appropriate amount of blood carrying oxygen, which maintains the elasticity and homogeneity of the skin, resulting in the emergence of so-called crust Oranges are a small On the surface of the skin is curvy and wrinkled.

Cellulite appears mostly on the buttocks, arms, abdomen and thighs, and can affect the breasts especially after menopause. It can be mentioned that the reasons that lead to its appearance are: lack of regular exercise, prolonged sitting without special movement in the office, , Some hormonal disorders, alcohol and smoking, poor blood circulation, and lack of water intake.

Cellulite grades

  • Primal stage: This degree appears only through pressure and restriction of the skin, it is not visible only by limitation.
  • Second stage: It is shown during the stand only especially in the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks.
  • Stage 3: Shows during lying and standing.

Cellulite treatment

  • Water treatment: Water is one of the best and cheapest ways to treat and reduce cellulite. Drinking plenty of water dissolves fat. It is said that drinking water through foods rich in water is better than drinking. These include melon and melon.
  • Sweating: The exercise is as follows: Stand and feet are spread apart by pelvis width, arms extended forward to maintain balance, and then descend to the pelvis as sitting on the seat, taking into account that the back straight , Then return to the previous situation slowly by pushing the body with the knees, and this exercise is called “squatting.”
  • Caffeine use: Using crushed coffee beans and mixing them with any kind of cream, then rubbing and massage cellulite areas in this mixture to reduce the appearance and get rid of it and then shower with lukewarm water and stay away from hot water as much as possible.
  • Getting rid of fat: This method requires money for those who have the ability to do so, where infrared-based devices are used to break fat, or through the use of laser.