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How to increase my weight

Most people suffer from the problem of weight gain, and they follow all possible methods and methods to work to lower their weight and get the ideal weight. However, there are some people who suffer from the problem of weight loss significantly, due to many different reasons. So what are the best ways to gain weight and get the ideal weight.

The desire of some who suffer from excessive thinness may be logical often, as women who suffer from thinness want to increase their weight slightly to get a body and attractive and beautiful, and men also want to increase their weight to increase their muscles, and give them better forms of their bodies. Extreme thinness is not always associated with bad health or illness, but other factors affect it.

Factors that affect the thinness are genetic factors, as some families note that they are skinny, in which case they have rapid metabolic rates, and they have low appetite to eat. And the excessive activity of some people makes them very thin, where they consume a lot of calories. Sometimes, the disease leads to anorexia, and may impair the body’s ability to store food, such as thyroid, diabetes, cancer, or AIDS.

There are also some drugs that cause rapid weight loss and loss of appetite, and the sensitivity of some types of food plays a role in addition to psychological factors such as stress, stress and depression, as these factors cause a person’s appetite to eat.

If you are suffering from excess weight and want to increase your weight you have to get more calories than your daily need that the body can burn, and you can exercise bodybuilding that increase the body mass of the body, rather than increase the proportion Body fat, a perfect way to gain weight.

You have to eat more foods that are high in calories, and do not need to be fatty and harmful, but on the contrary there are foods rich in calories, which do not contain fat, such as nuts and protein drinks. You should also eat fruit rich in calories, such as bananas and dried fruits, and keep away from fiber-rich fruits such as watermelons, oranges, as well as water-rich vegetables such as cucumbers and cucumbers.

Add cream-rich soups to your food as well as foods containing healthy oils, such as olive oil, coconut oil, and butter oil. It also includes supplements that work on weight gain, as well as foods that contain high proportions of proteins such as meat, fish, and nuts.

Double the number of meals during the day to five or six meals, add spices and spices to your food as it works to increase the appetite to eat. Eat your food quickly, and do so in a large dish to increase the amount of food.