ホーム » 体重とフィットネス » 自分の体重が適切かどうかを知る方法


What weight is appropriate

The ideal weight of the body is the weight that reaches the body to a state of proportionality between height and weight, and it is not numbers and calculations as some believe, but is the case that you are satisfied with the shape of an object, do not suffer from the skinny skin damage to your beauty, You lose your facial features, and the ideal body is the body that does not suffer from peripheral obesity at the expense of another area.

How to get the ideal body weight

  1. If you suffer from obesity you need to work on a diet to reduce the amount of fat in the body, in order to reach a harmonious body and beautiful, and if you suffer from thinness, you need to diet to increase your weight to reach the ideal weight and body Ideal.
  2. If you suffer from an increase in some areas of your body at the expense of other areas, you have to do a diet and athlete in order to get rid of this increase and get a harmonious body from all regions.
  3. If you have a harmonious body from all regions and do not suffer from an increase in one area at the expense of other areas, you can determine whether you have an ideal weight or not by performing a simple calculation by calculating the weight in kilograms and dividing it by the square length (height / height) Compared to the average weight for your age, which the Ministry of Health has determined, if the rate produced below the normal rate, the person suffers from thinness, if the output is greater than the normal rate, the person suffers from obesity.

If the product is below the ideal weight, you should come

  1. Increase your intake of high-fat foods such as sweets, nuts, chocolates, etc., which increase your weight quickly and add a few pounds to your weight until you reach the ideal weight.
  2. You should try to increase the number of meals you eat per day in order to gain weight up to five or six, and you can keep three meals with the increase in the amount of food you eat during the meal, but prefer to reduce the quantity and increase the number Meals because it is easier in digestion.
  3. If you have a blockage of appetite, you can take an aperitif from the pharmacy, or you can use natural foods that open an appetite such as onions.

If the product is larger than the ideal weight, you should:

  1. Reduce the intake of fatty foods, which have already been mentioned because they increase the weight in a short time, and can be replaced by a quantity of vegetables that block your hunger and do not cause weight gain, and is very useful for the prevention of diseases and skin tone.
  2. Exercise continuously Because sports help burn fat accumulated in the body, it also helps to lose weight in large quantity, and must match the sport you do with the goal of exercise.
  3. Eating spicy foods helps you lose weight, as spice helps burn fat a lot.