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Weight loss

Unintentional weight loss can be described as a process that loses weight without any physical activity, without a diet. This may be caused by a simple loss of appetite, or when your body gets used to consuming a certain amount of weight. Calories. Automatic weight loss may be frustrating for humans, especially when they lose a large amount of weight for no apparent reason. Sometimes it may be the result of a serious illness. Sometimes it may be due to a simple cause such as a stomach virus. Sometimes it is accidental and temporary. For example, due to gastric discomfort, the following are reasons for weight loss.

Causes of weight loss

Here are the causes of weight loss from the most common to the least common:

  • Malnutrition: This occurs when the body can not absorb nutrients from food, and its symptoms include pale skin, depression, feeling faint, weakness, hair loss.
  • Lung Cancer: For the symptoms of this type of cancer, it often appears only after the progress of the disease, and reaching the stages of serious.
  • Liver cancer: Liver cancer causes the destruction of its cells, which affects its normal function, and this type of cancer can move to other places in the body.
  • Stomach Ulcer: The stomach ulcers produce less mucus that protects the stomach from digestive juices.
  • Esophageal Cancer: This type of cancer occurs when the tumor grows in the esophagus, which affects its ability to push food into the stomach.
  • Cirrhosis: Liver cirrhosis is produced when the liver is exposed to toxins, harmful substances such as alcohol and others, which affects liver cells and thus affects liver function.
  • Stomach Cancer: The tumor is formed here in the stomach, leading to symptoms such as feeling fullness, stomach pain, nausea, and the appearance of feces in a dark color.
  • TB Tuberculosis – TB: It is an infectious disease that affects the lungs, causing constant cough and strong, high body temperature, night sweats.
  • Hepatitis: This disease causes liver swelling and inflammation. It is often caused by viral infection and is classified into five groups A, B, C, D, and E. Symptoms only occur after liver damage.
  • Peptic Ulcer: These usually occur in the wall of the stomach, esophagus and sometimes reach the small intestine. These may be the result of H. pylori infection, NSAID drugs, smoking, or stomach ulcers.

Other causes include Crohn’s Disease, Colitis, Addison’s Disease, Achalasia, Hookworm, AIDS, and many other diseases that are less common.