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Body fitness

Getting ready for fitness starts with:

  • Wait: For example, walking or riding a bike instead of a car when going to school or visiting someone, such as stopping the bus ahead of the house at a certain distance, walking the rest of the road, or climbing the stairs by foot Instead of using an electric elevator.
  • Exercise exercises that increase heart murmurs: Check for aerobic exercises that increase heart rate and increase breathing difficulty. These exercises increase fitness, improve heart and lung performance, and burn body fat. Examples of aerobic activities include basketball, running, or swimming.
  • Exercise warm-up exercises: Some warm-up exercises and stretching exercises can be performed before any physical activity to protect the muscles from injury and maintain flexibility of muscles and joints, with some stretching exercises after completing the exercise for muscle relaxation.

Follow new health habits

To ensure fitness, follow these habits:

  • Stop eating pans, sugars, fats, and processed foods, and replace them with foods that contain higher amounts of protein.
  • Eat slightly less calories than burn.
  • Drink about four and a half liters of water daily.
  • Simple exercise for thirty minutes, three times a week every two days.
  • Exercise strength training for thirty minutes three times a week on a two-day basis.
  • Sleep for at least eight hours a day.
  • Taking positive people to enjoy the exercise and motivate the person to continue to do so.

Change the routine

It is important to start with the exercise of physical fitness to identify and know the appropriate exercise appropriate to the nature of the body, which does not exhaust the body and feel the pleasure, not to mention the importance of creating an atmosphere of fun and activity in the exercise room, for example: can play music to practice the music and thus the feeling of enjoyment During the exercise, it is worth mentioning here the importance of diversification in exercise and change every period to break boredom.