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Why weight stability

Some may suffer from the problem of weight stability and promise to change whether the problem in reducing weight or increase in it, this problem may occur and cause many problems in some who exercise or follow a diet, but no apparent results on weight and body in terms of getting the weight required, Phenomenon causes great psychological problems as a result of feeling dissatisfied with performance by increasing weight or reducing it, there are several things and reasons we will know and the way to solve.

Reasons for proven weight

  • Individual factors: These factors are: (lifestyle, quality of diet, level of stress on the individual).
  • Body needs rest: The body needs time to get used to the new diet in order to get the desired results.
  • The amount of energy consumed and the amount of water: Many people are the problem that they exercise but there are quantities of energy (calories) that takes in the case of weight loss, and in the case of weight gain there is a problem in the absence of sufficient calories, protein and carbohydrates, The person should review the diet, find and correct the imbalance, and also drink plenty of water between 6-8 cups daily.

Treatment of proven weight

Be sure to exercise: You should be sure of the exercises that are performed:

  • Types of exercises: There are sometimes exercises do not work and do not produce strong results, you should review all the exercises and change if you do not get immediate results and must be developed by a specialist, a sports coach or to see new exercises through the Internet.
  • Exercise Muscle Exercises (Weight Lifting): You should know the appropriate frequency, and the repetition is different if you want to increase weight or deficiency, here too ask the trainer until you give the correct instructions.
  • Time: The time has a big role in terms of the benefit that can return to the body, you should know the best time for exercise which is usually after the 3 main meals a day, it is the best time for exercise.

Check your diet: Here you should be sure:

  • Type of food: In the case of weight gain should be a lot of sources containing protein, carbohydrates and fat significantly, and in the case of weight reduction should be away from all sources of fat and foods that contain calories and must be confirmed correctly.
  • Adherence to diet: Do not eat high-calorie meal and say that it does not affect the weight, this is very wrong and may spoil the diet that walk the whole of it must adhere to the diet and not to relax.
  • Stay away from fasting: Fasting is useful for those who want to reduce weight, which is good if you do, but fasting is harmful to those who want to increase weight, do not fast only in Ramadan, and the rest of the days tried to eat a lot.