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These are the changes that appear on the skin of women when they reach puberty, which are fatty cells deposited directly under the skin layer causing scarring or skin folds or wrinkles very similar to the outer orange peel, and abound in specific areas of the body such as the abdomen, Buttocks, and thighs.

Causes of cellulite

  • Genetic factors have the greatest impact on cellulite.
  • Nutrition: There are some types of foods that help the emergence of this problem in women, such as excessive drinking alcohol and not drinking water in sufficient quantities.
  • Hormones: If the proportion of hormones in the body than normal, especially the hormone estrogen.
  • Over-wear tight and uncomfortable clothes.
  • Take pills.

Ways to get rid of cellulite in a week

There are ways to remove cellulite in a week, which is as follows:


It works as an excellent skin peeler, removing dead cells from the skin and promoting the metabolism of fat inside the body. The recipe can be prepared by mixing half a cup of coffee powder with three tablespoons of brown sugar and stirring the ingredients well, then adding three tablespoons Of coconut oil after heating a little, and mix all ingredients together to form a paste, and then distributed to the infected areas in the body with gentle massage circular movements for five minutes, and then washed with warm water, and can be repeated three times a week.

Coconut Oil

By heating an appropriate amount of coconut oil and then massage the affected areas with cellulite gently and without excessive pressure, and then leave the oil on the body to absorb the skin completely, coconut oil works to break down the fatty blocks stored inside the skin that cause cellulite, and can be repeated daily Until they are disposed of.

Juniper oil

The juniper oil removes toxins from the skin and reduces the retention of water and fluids from the body. The recipe can be prepared by mixing fifteen drops of juniper oil with half a cup of olive oil, then massage the cellulite areas for a quarter of an hour. The recipe is repeated daily and continued to improve. Skin appearance and cellulite cellulose cellulose completely.

Massage sessions

It activates the blood circulation in the body, thus relaxing the muscles of the whole body, can be done sessions of daily massage, and can be repeated morning and evening for better results, and can be used some essential oils to massage the body.