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Yeast is a type of fungus that is used in the past and is still used in many industries and products, including pastries, bread, and alcohol, because it secrete a group of enzymes that ferment the carbohydrates found in The substances added to the yeast, causing the breakdown of sugar in them to derive energy from them.

reason of calling

Beer is a drink made from barley, apples or grapes. People used to get the yeast from apples, grapes or barley, and they call it beer since then because they get it as a byproduct of brewing. Brewer’s yeast is a crusty powder that has a walnut flavor and leaves a slightly bitter taste in the mouth after ingestion. It does not contain many calories, but it helps to gain weight significantly, as it is used by bodybuilders to increase their weight and vitamins and minerals such as chromium.


  • Rich in organic iron, which in turn is rich in zinc.
  • Rich in protein, phosphorus and chromium, which is used to treat diabetes. It stimulates the production of insulin, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and chromium.
  • A stimulant for the immune system and it works to strengthen it.
  • Contains a complete vitamin B group.
  • Dilute to nerve pain.
  • Activates circulation.
  • Useful for aging hair and hair gray hair.
  • Used in the treatment of acne and sister insomnia and calms nerves.


  • Cause bloating and gases.
  • Lower blood sugar level.
  • The rickets caused by phosphorus, which works on the analysis of calcium so the pregnant woman to stay away from eating.


Beer Yeast is used in overweight men and women. It is also used to strengthen hair, lighten the skin, treat acne and other uses.

Yeast recipes for weight gain

  • You can use beer yeast pills that come in the form of capsules and eat them daily, as these grains of supplements, where you eat 3 times a day, the rate of two meals after each meal, and be careful not to eat before eating because it will give the opposite results.
  • Eat two tablespoons of beer yeast daily and if you want to increase the dose of yeast you should increase the amount of vitamins you eat.
  • Take two tablespoons of beer yeast with juice that contains many calories, or add two tablespoons of it to a bowl of toasted nuts, and can also be added to sauces or high calorie soup.
  • Add two tablespoons of brewer’s yeast to your daily diet, but make sure you have enough vitamins.
  • Eat twice a day after breakfast and before sleeping with a glass of milk and honey.
  • To fatten a certain area like the face, mix yeast with yogurt, and paint the desired area by fattening it.