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Does honey increase weight

Does honey increase weight

Honey bee is a sugary substance fragrant bees produced by the nectar of flowers and a group of bees working to collect the nectar of flowers from all the orchards and forests existing and carry in a bag called honey.

Another group of bees stored in the eyes of the six-piece wax in the cells and store it with waxy cover and resort to bees while not getting a quantity of nectar flowers, as in the winter is usually called honey, which is produced and live in nature “wild honey” FAO classified it as a non-wood forest product group.

Honey is known to most people as food, it is important for humans, body and health. As we know, honey is a natural antibiotic for humans, strengthens the body and fights all diseases that attack it.

Some scientists specialized in the treatment of proper nutrition for the human being and maintain his health said:
The one tablespoon of honey consists of useful nutrients and important to the human body The amount of small spoon contains 90 of the price of heat for either the individual who cares and maintains the ideal weight takes one tablespoon or two tablespoons of honey a day either the person who puts a diet to lose weight, This person is allowed to eat honey.
Eating large quantities of honey is unnecessary because it increases weight because the calories of honey are much more than sugar, meaning that one tablespoon of sugar contains 70 calories, while natural honey contains 90 calories.