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the importance of water

The natural elements around us, such as water, air, and sun, have great benefits for humans, and water is the most effective element in all human life. It is the thing that activates life throughout the body. Water enters the body’s biochemical reactions, also known as metabolism , And the reduction of drinking water means the lack of production of the body energy necessary nutrients.

The human is not thirsty for water only if he wants to moisten his mouth and saliva, because the feeling of human thirst means the arrival of the body to a state of dehydration, which means not to eat adequate amounts of water to suit the needs of the body. Feeling tired and fatigue and stress and change the color of urine to yellow center orange to orange are the signs of virtual Which is felt by the person suffering from the drought, and re-absorption of water that is nominated by the kidneys to get rid of it in the case of drought to compensate for lack of water; which leads to the retention of fluid and swelling.

And the amount of water necessary for the human to maintain its vitality and activity is eight cups and increase in the case of a person obese or exercise sports, and the problem of weight overload is a problem that bothers many, and begin to search recipes and exercise and hard work and go to the doctor to lose weight and burning fat, And the simple way to lose weight, as drinking water is very important in weight loss and the following are the most important.

Benefits of drinking water for slimming

  • Drinking water helps to reduce the human appetite for food, drinking water in a suitable amount of the body means reducing the feeling of hunger.
  • Water has a strong relationship to the health of the digestive system and help digestion, which means feeling comfortable and not feeling bloated, indigestion as well as reduce digestive disorders.
  • Water reduces the cholesterol in the body, especially if eaten on the stomach in the morning, and thus helps in weight loss, and the safety of the heart and arteries.
  • Water helps the liver convert fat into energy, thus reducing accumulated fat and reducing weight, and not eating water means the concentration of water in the kidneys and damage them as well as increase the burden on the liver to burn more fat.
  • Drinking plenty of water prevents the retention of fluids in the body, and not to eat the body for an appropriate amount of water means the retention of part of the body and this means an increase in the weight of the person.
  • Drinking water frequently fights constipation and thus detoxification and reduce flatulence.
  • Drinking water in abundant quantities provides the body with the vitality and activity necessary to exercise daily life by relieving the body of the accumulated toxins, especially in the early morning. When drinking two cups of water on the stomach in the morning, the body detoxifies the accumulated toxins and thus gives the body energy to exercise.