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Ways to Burn Fat


Body fat

The problems of excess weight and accumulation of fat in the body of the most common problems in the present day, due to many reasons, including eating fast food rich in high calories, lethargy and lack of movement, and eating food containing a large amount of sugar, in addition to genetic factors or reasons Other satisfactory.

Natural recipes for burning body fat

It is worth mentioning that those who suffer from the accumulation of fat are vulnerable to many serious diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, so be careful to find appropriate solutions for the elimination of fat as there are many ways, including liposuction, Dieting, exercise, and eating hot drinks for fat.


Mix in equal amount of pot: green tea, chopped green ginger, dried pomegranate peel and green mint. Add water to the ingredients and set to boil, and drink a cup of milk daily.

Chinese tea and desserts

Mix the same amount of: sage, darsin, snamaki, chamomile, then submerge the ingredients in water and put them on the boil, and mix three times a day before eating the main meals.


Boil a glass of water and add three medium spoons of fennel, leave it drained for two hours, and then drink the drink once a day.


Mix half a tablespoon of ginger, half a teaspoon of cumin powder, a few leaves of mint, half a cup of lemon juice, add two cups of water and boil the mixture on the fire, then cover and eat.

Chamomile and sage

Mix two large sprigs of rosemary, two large sprigs of sage, two large chamomile in a glass of water, then simmer on the fire, and mix daily.

Almarkosh and mint

In a large bowl, mix a teaspoon of mint, a small teaspoon of fennel, a small teaspoon of marshmallows and a liter of water, and then boil the mixture and eat a cup of it daily before bedtime for two months.

Tips for burning fat

  • A small amount of natural apple cider vinegar can be added to the diet; it helps effectively burn and dissolve the accumulated fat in the body. It also regulates digestion. It is possible to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and eat it while eating.
  • Eat the choice between the main meals, because it reduces the feeling of hunger and fill the stomach; because it contains a high proportion of dietary fiber.