ホーム » 体重とフィットネス » ダイエットせずに余分な体重を取り除く方法


The problem of obesity or weight gain phenomenon has spread significantly in recent times because of the spread of fast food and ready-made foods that contain a lot of fat and calories that the body can not get rid of it and accumulate in the form of fat and trimming.
To learn how to get rid of extra weight in the body without a diet, you should first know the reasons for weight gain to avoid and avoid it to protect the body and shape and health.

Causes of weight gain

  1. Do not exercise regularly.
  2. Eat large amounts of foods that contain a large amount of fat and calories that the body can not burn in large quantities.
  3. Eat fast and lead to more intake.
  4. Reduce the intake of vegetables and fruits that give a sense of satiety.
  5. Eat nuts a lot They contain a lot of calories.
  6. Laziness and inactivity and not moving the body enough to burn grease.
  7. Take some drugs that cause obesity and weight gain.
  8. Eat fat in large quantities, whether in meat, meat, butter or butter.

How to get rid of excess weight without diet is one of the effective and rapid ways to lose weight if followed correctly and regularly, namely:

  1. Try to exercise continuously even if the exercise duration did not exceed ten minutes.
  2. Drinking more water at an average of eight glasses a day helps to fill the stomach.
  3. Eating too much juices such as tomato juice and carrot juice and beet juice they provide the body with energy and necessary vitamins.
  4. Divide the three main meals into five meals that are eaten in batches, helping to give the body an opportunity to burn fat.
  5. Eat vegetables and fruits with meals or when you feel hungry, because vegetables and fruits contain plenty of fluids that feel full.
  6. Try to reduce the intake of meat and fat and eat in small quantities and not on a daily basis.
  7. Take into account the reduction of fast food or lack of dependence on the causes of obesity and health damage.