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Ways to get slender stalks

Many women want to have a slim body and shapely legs and to achieve this, follow with us a set of useful and effective methods that will rid you of excess fat in the leg area. There are a group of help in building muscle and fat loss of legs:


  • Walking daily: This is the simplest exercise for legs, try to walk 10,000 steps almost every day, if you keep this, you will see the results within a month.
  • Go jogging: you will consume more energy, which in turn helps to burn fat, try to do it at least three times a week.
  • Using a stationary bike or bicycle: Riding a bike helps burn a large amount of calories, equivalent to 500-600 calories per hour, making it one of the best exercises to reduce body fat.
  • Practice simple ground exercises: lie on your back and stretch your legs on the ground, put your arms on your side on the ground, and make your first knee in a position where the figure number eight and raise your other leg high, and then replaced the legs and so at least 60 times.
  • Lifting your leg: Lie on your right side and put your left arm on the ground in front of you for support and balance. Now lift your left leg high and move it circularly, then reverse the position on your other side. Do this exercise at least 60 times and more.
  • Swimming Swimming is an excellent way to burn leg fat.
  • Use the stability ball: While stretching on a mat or bed, put the ball in front of you, put your legs on the ball, lift your hips on it, and then create circular movements with an attempt not to drop the hips.
  • The use of an automatic walking machine with a high-speed watch is an exercise that builds muscle.

Healthy diet

  • Eat More Protein Protein is good in maintaining muscle strength, so be sure to eat fish, chicken and turkeys.
  • Add daily servings of fruits and vegetables because they contain dietary fibers, reducing the amount of fat stored by your body.
  • Drink plenty of water: You should drink 8-10 cups a day. Water not only helps to expel toxins accumulated in the body, but also keeps your skin moist, soft and glowing in the summer as well.
  • Avoid sugary foods such as cakes, ice cream, and chocolates are full of empty calories that do not save you energy.
  • Avoid salty foods, these types of foods cause dryness of the skin such as peanuts and corn, and works to store fluid in the legs and feet.