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Benefits of flax seed for slimming

Seeds of flax

Flaxseed is an oval seed containing an oil called flaxseed oil, which is extracted from the flaxseed plant, which grows and blooms in wet and deep clay soils. The cultivation of flaxseed is about 3000 BC, and some believe that flaxseed is one of the strongest foods, including King Charlemagne, who believed in the benefits of healthy flaxseeds. The laws that the people were required to consume were in the century Eight, now that 13 centuries have passed, experts say they have preliminary research to support King Charlemagne’s vision and prove the benefits of healthy flaxseed.

Flaxseeds are introduced into many industries and foods. The Flax Council estimates that there are about 300 linen products in the United States and Canada in 2012 alone. Flax consumption does not depend solely on human consumption, But also increased consumption of flax agriculture, there are some farmers who are cooking chicken flaxseed, to produce eggs rich in omega-3 fatty acids (Omega-3 fatty acids).

The nutritional value of flaxseed

The following table shows the nutritional value of each 100 g of flax seed:

Food ingredient Nutritional value
Water 6.96 grams
energy 534 calories
protein 18.29 grams
Total fat 42.16 grams
carbohydrate 28.88 grams
Fibers 27.3 grams
Calcium 255 milligrams
iron 5.73 milligrams
Magnesium 392 milligrams
Phosphorus 642 milligrams
potassium 813 milligrams
sodium 30 milligrams
zinc 4.34 milligrams
vitamin C 0.6 milligrams
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 1.644 milligrams
Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) 0.161 milligrams
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 3.080 milligrams
Vitamin B6 0.473 milligrams
Folic acid 87 micrograms
Vitamin B12 0.00 μg
Vitamin A 0 IU
Vitamin D 0 IU
Vitamin E 0.31 milligrams
Vitamin K 4.3 micrograms

Benefits of consuming flaxseed for slimming

Plant-based diet programs have been associated with a lower risk of many health problems including obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It may also reduce mortality, promote healthy skin, give more energy, and help lose weight in general. Flaxseeds, although flaxseeds contain all healthy food compounds, such as lignan compounds that have estrogen and antioxidant properties. However, there are two main components – lignan compounds – that give flaxseeds their health and nutritional importance, including loss of Weight, while male comes to them, and how they relate to weight loss:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: are good fats that carry many special health benefits of heart muscle, and health of the joints and intestines. Perhaps the most important of these acids in flaxseed is Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which also found that it may Useful for weight loss. Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains 1.8 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids have the ability to lower total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides the body.
  • Fiber fibers may be the most important components associated with weight loss. Flaxseeds contain dietary fiber, both insoluble and insoluble in water, and dietary fiber can provide fullness and fullness for longer periods of time, while supplying the body with less calories. A diet rich in dietary fiber may help lose weight.
Men over the age of 50 need 30 grams of dietary fiber per day, while women over 50 need 21 grams. In contrast, men under the age of 50 need to consume 38 grams of dietary fiber daily, while women under the age of 50 need 25 grams , And to increase the amount of dietary fiber consumed recommended to eat more vegetarian foods such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, grains, nuts.
Dietary fiber also can prevent constipation and promote gastrointestinal function, helping the body get rid of toxins through gall bladder and stool. Dietary fiber also reduces the risk of diabetes and keeps blood sugar levels. Finally, recent studies have shown that dietary fiber May play an important role in regulating the work of the immune system, and prevent the occurrence of infections, which reduces the risk of many of the health problems associated with these infections, including the problem of obesity. It should be noted that every 30 grams of flaxseed supplies the body with 8.19 grams of fiber, as mentioned above in the flax seed nutritional value table, about one-third of women’s need for dietary fiber under age 50.

Flaxseed consumption precautions

Flaxseed consumption is safe for most adults, if consumed orally, but has some consumption caveats, including:

  • Flaxseed can increase the bowel movement, which may lead to some gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal and stomach pain, and nausea.
  • Flaxseed-fat or oil-may increase the levels of triglycerides in the blood, so it is recommended not to be consumed by people with high triglycerides.
  • It is recommended that non-mature flaxseeds should not be consumed. They may be toxic if consumed in this way.
  • Flaxseeds may clog the intestines because of the possibility of collecting the lignin found in them. It is recommended to consume flaxseed in conjunction with drinking plenty of water. People who suffer from obstruction, inflammation of the intestines or narrow esophagus should avoid consumption of flaxseed because of their content. High in fiber, which may increase these health problems worse.
  • It is recommended not to consume flaxseed during pregnancy and lactation, because flaxseed may work the function of estrogen, which may harm pregnancy, and although there is no evidence of flaxseed damage clinically, and there is no evidence that flaxseed is not safe during lactation periods, During these critical periods, women are advised to avoid their consumption in order to prevent any possible health symptoms.
  • Flaxseed may increase the risk of bleeding disorders and may slow blood clotting, so people suffering from bleeding disorders are advised not to consume flaxseed for their own safety.
  • There is a discrepancy in studies and opinions on the effect of negative flaxseed in cases of hormonal sensitization, including uterine cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and uterine fibroids due to the ability of flaxseeds to function in a similar manner to estrogen in the body, However, many other studies point to the ability of flaxseed to protect the body against these diseases, by opposing the work of estrogen in the body. As a result of the lack of scientific evidence in this regard, women are advised not to consume flaxseed excessively if they suffer from allergies Hormonal.
  • Flaxseeds may reduce blood sugar levels and may promote the use of drugs used to treat diabetes, so people with diabetes are advised to monitor blood glucose levels constantly when they include flaxseeds in their daily diet to avoid a significant drop in levels They have sugar.
  • Flaxseed may reduce blood pressure, so be careful when consumed by people who suffer mainly from diastolic blood pressure, or by people with high blood pressure and take antihypertensive drugs, to avoid a significant reduction in pressure resulting from eating Flax seeds and medicines at once.